This page contains my newest body of work titled "Kinship". To view this work in detail click on any photo on this page and you will get re-directed to a detailed page about that sculpture.
This body of work is inspired by our relationships to each other and also to our immediate surroundings. The forms are inspired by my personal wanderings through Nexø, Denmark. After spending five months in Nexø, I was extremely influenced by the shapes around the old fishing harbour. Travelling half way across the world made me realize that our relationships are similar from place to place. The interaction between these forms showcases different types of comfortable relationships.
This body of work is inspired by our relationships to each other and also to our immediate surroundings. The forms are inspired by my personal wanderings through Nexø, Denmark. After spending five months in Nexø, I was extremely influenced by the shapes around the old fishing harbour. Travelling half way across the world made me realize that our relationships are similar from place to place. The interaction between these forms showcases different types of comfortable relationships.